
The Benefits of Plants in a Commercial Environment

Our beautiful range of planters are the perfect way to add some greenery to your office, showroom or any other indoor area that needs brightening up. It is a well know fact that having plants in any work environment has a positive effect on employees, not just to have a workplace with a more friendly and warmer atmosphere but also the ability of plants to absorb carbon from the air.

Many studies all over the world have long established the benefits of having plants in the work place, greenery reduces stress levels and negative moods in office workers, some studies suggest that the reductions in stress levels can be as high as 50% compared to office situations without any plants at all.

Measurable Health Benefits

Modern interiors with a high use of plastics/synthetics in furnishings, computer equipment have high levels of compounds released by these items, this results in a negative effect on employees’ well being and work performance. Research has found indoor plants can have measurable health benefits, reducing in turn the number of lost days due to sick leave and stress related impacts on work performance.

A pleasant work place is offcourse a more productive workplace! Plants are available in many shapes and sizes and varieties so a large range of planters needs to be available to cater for any situation.

First Impressions

First impressions are very important for anybody visiting your business, whether it’s your office, hotel, restaurant or any place of business.  A negative first impression on the other hand is extremely hard to rectify. As the saying goes” you can’t make a first impression twice!”

A foyer with greenery in beautiful fibreglass planters will give any visitor a positive impression and will give them the feeling they are dealing with a professional and caring business. Any restaurant or club needs some plants on the floor to give patrons a welcoming feeling and entice them so stay as long as possible and more importantly secure repeat visits and word of mouth recommendations to friends and family.

Of course every business person is aware that the presentation of their business is very important but so is the need to keep overheads to a minimum where possible. This is why our planters are priced very competitively, without making a compromise on quality or design and finish. Our main aim is to provide the best products to our clients at the best possible price. Our range and designs are changing constantly, mainly as a response to requests and suggestions from our customers.

We listen to what you feel will make your business not just more profitable, but also more competitive. In these tough economic times any advantage we can give you will ultimately mean repeat business for everybody involved!

Health & Safety

Fibreglass planters are ideal for the indoor plant hire industry, their light weight reduces the chance of injury to employees. In today’s world of tough OH&S rules it is important to minimise the risk of back injury by keeping the weight to be lifted down to a minimum. For instance, the average weight of a 600mm planter is only about 5 kilogram, making them far lighter than a similar sized ceramic planter. This does not only impacts on the physical well being of employees in the plant hire industry but on productivity as well. A lightweight fibreglass pot or planter is much easier and quicker to move than a ceramic pot or planter.

Changes of breakage due to pots being dropped because of being too heavy are also greatly reduced. With our removable insert system, plants can be easily removed from the planter and replaced without the need to move it.

This is particularly important for short term hire:

  •  For the popular wedge shape this insert comes in 3 opening sizes to fit the standard grow pots, opening sizes are 325mm,300mm and 250mm. These tall wedge planters fit in any type of building or décor.
  • Our Venetian range is growing in popularity, ranging from small floor bowls to the large 1050mm planters.
  • Troughs are available from small window boxes to 1200mm long planters.

As with all other designs we can import ANY size to order. Contact us to discuss the designs you require for your business. We’re looking forward to improve your business by providing excellent service and the best prices in the industry.

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